Tuesday, October 11, 2011

MUA #26 with Kartik Krishnaiyer and Chris Marrazzo's Quite Befuddling Van Gogh Tailgate Party!

Everyone needs to rush over to www.miamiultras.com to check out The latest and greatest version of Miami Ultras Alive. South Florida's only unprofessional soccer radio show that you can listen to every Monday night at 10PM. Last night we had a great show covering the USA vs Honduras game in Miami and the Fort Lauderdale Strikers victory over the Puerto Rico Islanders in the NASL playoff semifinals.
We also had NASL PR guru Kartik Krishnaiyer tell us what's happening with Traffic Sports and the resignation of CEO Julio Mariz. He also tells us this shouldn't affect NASL (listen to Kartik at about 32:30 min mark).
Listen here:

Listen to internet radio with Miami Ultras Alive on Blog Talk Radio

Chris Marrazzo's Quite Befuddling Van Gogh Tailgate Party!
At MiamiUltras.com  you can also read and see whats coming up this weekend.
Here is what Pieter Brown wrote:
Your Fort Lauderdale Strikers are bringing the NASL playoffs back home with a 3-1 win over Puerto Rico Islanders. Now with a 2 goal lead the Strikers will look to eliminate the Islanders at the Lock this Saturday, Oct. 15th at 7:30 pm.
7:30 pm is when the game starts but the party starts much earlier with the “Quite Befuddling Van Gogh Tailgate Party!” hosted by our tailgate specialist Chris Marrazzo. There will be beer, liquor, drinking games, funnels and we’ll also kick the ball around in our drunken stupor. It will be an amazing tailgate worthy of a playoff win.
Here is a special message brought to you by MC Chris Marrazzo to all South Florida soccer fans:

Be sure to follow Chris on twitter @chrismarrazz

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