Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mike Chabala ≠ Hater


Shout out to the man Mike Chabala for lending his face to the NOH8 campaign because being an asshole isn’t cool.* I’ve always thought soccer was a little different than other sports in America because it seems less-saturated with that bullying, jock mentality that often permeates football, basketball, wrestling, UFC, slap-boxing, cock-fighting, etc. so maybe in some way his participation confirms my thinking. Or not. Either way he’s my dude for doing this. Respect.

*I know a thing or two about being an ass because unfortunately I have been one on occasion, even on this very blog. Hell, some people might think I’m being one at this very moment. My bad. I’ve been working on it and asking myself “what would classy-ass Bob Redford do?” before posting things in an effort to curb my periodic douchey episodes. Hopefully I can avoid these altogether sometime soon.

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