Monday, April 25, 2011

Beckham Still Talking About Taking a Seat at the Owners Table

In case you missed it over the weekend, FOX Soccer --they're moving away from the whole "FSC" thing-- dropped one of the lengthiest interviews with Becks that we've seen in a while. Or at least one of the lengthiest interviews that didn't take place on the couch of a late-night talk show.

I'm fascinated with his continued talk of owning a club after he retires. Outside of New York and Miami I can't imagine where he would set up shop; no offense to the good people of Atlanta, Detroit, San Diego or North Carolina but I just can't see him going anywhere that doesn't have some air of superficial glamor. I know it's all about business (unfortunately) but can you really see him reviving the Tulsa Roughnecks or some sh*t like that?

Actually now that I think about it there is one old NASL market I could see him dropping paper on. It's probably a long shot but sweet Lord in heaven it would be one hell of a road trip.

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