More than 50 young girls participated at the auditions/Más de 50 muchachas participaron en las audiciones.
Applicants were taught and judged on an "across the floor" dance technique combination/Las aspirantes fueron evaluadas en varias rutinas de baile.
The girls were the center of attention/Las muchachas captaron la atención de los medios y jueces.
Many girls waited anxiously for their turn/La mayoría de las muchachas esperaban con ansias por su turno.
The remaining applicants that made it through all phases of the audition process moved on to the interview portion of the audition... stay tuned, the "new" ChivaGirls will be announced shortly...
Las aspirantes en todas las fases previas de las audiciones serán entrevistadas y las "nuevas" ChivaGirls serán anunciadas muy pronto....
PHOTOS: Juan Miranda/Chivas USA
PHOTOS: Juan Miranda/Chivas USA
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