South Florida Soccer Fans may be the ones that enticed a group of investors to discuss an
MLS team in Miami with
A recent conversation among South Florida Soccer fans revealed that some time ago a letter was sent to David
Beckham urging him to bring a team to Miami. Letters were also sent to possible investors around the country.
I was able to speak to Julio Caballero VP of the
Miami Ultras Soccer Fans who confirmed the existence of the letter. Julio went on to say that more information will be revealed shortly. Be sure to check out
MiamiSoccerfan.com in the next few days to read more about the letter. Hopefully we can see an actual copy.
If South Florida Fans are determined to do something about bringing an
MLS team to this part of the country then we need to do something about it! Support our efforts and make a promise that you will purchase a season ticket by going to
http://www.miamisoccerfan.com/Soccer/Tickets.html all information will be given to any potential investor willing to bring an
MLS team to South Florida.
If you want to do more as a fan then Please email the above site to your friends and family and tell them to write letters to:
Beckham / 19 Entertainment:
simon.oliveira@19.co.uk or simon@19.co.ukAlso email the following possible investors:
Traffic / Miami FC : adavidson@trafficsports.com
Voice your opinion. Tell them how you want an
MLS team in South Florida and how you will support the team. Help spread the word Soccer Fans!
TOA vs USLAs most of you have read on this site, it seems
USL has kicked our team (
Miami FC) out of the league by eliminating all evidence of the teams existence from their site. The same was done to the Minnesota Thunder and the Carolina
Railhawks. My calls to
USL have not been successful but our friend
Kartik Krishnayer of the
Kartik Report wrote the following:
I can confirm Vancouver, the reigning USL First Division Champion, who knocked out Portland last night in quest of a second title will be joining the TOA in a potential breakaway league. Vancouver, I can confirm has not renewed for next season and will take their cue from the TOA as to the next step. Expect Whitecaps players to get the same email from Tim Holt that the Carolina, Miami and Minnesota players did, at the conclusion of the USL First Division Championship Series.
Montreal, the other finalist this year has yet to renew with USL for next season, but still may do so independently of the TOA per a well placed source. It is also possible that Montreal will stick with the TOA whether it is within USL or a “breakaway” league.
The way things are going it seems the new
TOA league would have the following teams:
Miami Blues
Vancouver Whitecaps
Montreal Impact
Minnesota Thunder
Tampa Bay Rowdies
Carolina Railhawks
St. Louis United
Atlanta Silverbacks
It is believed that the
Puerto Rico Islanders would join the
TOA and possibly New York
FC as well but its still up in the air.
USL would be left with the following teams:
Rochester Rhinos
Charleston Battery
Cleveland City Stars
Portland Timbers
Austin Aztex
There is still the rumor that the
TOA league might be the fabled
MLS-2. We have a number of sources with this information but none willing to place their name on it. Everyone is tight lipped about this. We will keep you informed if anything comes up.
The good news is that
Miami FC is still operating and they are conducting business as usual! They have announced that in collaboration with the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce as well as nine other South Florida premiere sports teams have come together to offer the South Florida Sport Super Pass. What does that mean? Well, fans will have the option of choosing between 10 different sporting events spaced out through next year. It's pretty cool, read more
HERETOA vs USL UPDATE 10/06/09 11:13 AM
Inside Minnesota Soccer has new info concerning a meeting between the
TOA and
USL taking place in NY.
It's about time
USSF does something about this.
IMS also informs that an
MLS official will also be present. For more information go
HEREIt's a good read!
My personal opinion is that nothing will come out of this meeting.
Nurock should have approached the
TOA as soon as they took over
in order to make peace and open dialogue. Instead they ignored the issues and made the situation worse.
TOA vs USL UPDATE 10/06/09 7:40 PMBrian Quarstad of IMS has done it again, this time they have the actual letter sent by USL President Tim Holt to the players. If there are any lawyers out there we'd like your input. Check it out